Updated January 18, 2024

A home humidifier can be a valuable asset for Grimes’ homeowners. It is especially nice during the winter months when the air tends to be dry. The device may be helpful for things like static electricity and even dry skin since it puts moisture into your home’s air. Before you install a home humidifier in your home, take a few minutes to learn the basics to ensure that it is an ideal appliance for your family.

Home Humidifier Benefits

Home humidifiers help to improve comfort in your home. However, there are other benefits too that you might not think about.

Proper humidity levels promote better air quality. This is because humidity helps to decrease allergens, dust, and other airborne particles. This can be particularly helpful for people who have respiratory illnesses or allergies.

Those with respiratory illnesses, such as bronchitis, asthma, and sinusitis, tend to find it more difficult to breathe when the air is dry. This is because dry air may irritate the respiratory tract. Moistening the air allows for easier breathing and a decrease in their symptoms.

Humid air may help to reduce the risk of your family catching common viruses, such as the flu or common cold. This is because moist air reduces airborne virus transmission.

Your skin can benefit from higher humidity levels. During the cold months, it is common for your skin to get drier. With a home humidity system, your skin may be less flaky and dry no matter how cold and dry it is outside.

When you can breathe easier you can sleep easier. Heightened humidity levels in your home can reduce snoring, prevent nasal passage and throat drying and promote more restful sleep.

If you keep your home at the right level of humidity, this could benefit your wood floors and furnishings. This is because it helps to prevent wood items from cracking, drying out or warping.

Home Humidifier Types

There are different types of home humidifiers to choose from. Consider things like your budget, the size of your room and your personal preferences to make the right choice.

Evaporative humidifiers transfer air over a wet filter or wick using a fan. This causes the water to evaporate once it is in the air. Compared to other humidifier options, this one tends to use less electricity. You will need to change the filter or wick regularly to stop bacteria and mold from growing.

Ultrasonic humidifiers create a fine water mist via ultrasonic vibrations. Some units are able to mist both cool and warm water into the air. This type is usually energy-efficient and quiet, making them an option for bedrooms where more humidity is beneficial, but you need limited noise to rest.

Cool mist humidifiers are ideal if you have pets and children. The water mist that they put into the air is at room temperature. You can usually find these in both ultrasonic and evaporative types.

Warm mist humidifiers produce a steam to humidify the air. This can be a good choice when people have respiratory issues. Be aware if you have children since the steam can be hot and cause burns.

A central humidifier works with your home’s HVAC system. They allow you to maintain a constant level of humidity all throughout your home. A professional will need to do any necessary installation and maintenance.

Placement and Usage

To get the most out of your home humidifier, you want to use it properly and put it in the right place. First, make sure the size is ideal for your room. These usually have square footage recommendations, so take some measurements to ensure the one that interests you will cover the whole space where you intend to put it.

Check out the manufacturer’s recommendations for cleaning. For a small unit, weekly cleaning is often necessary to prevent bacteria and mold growth. However, for a whole house unit, a professional may only need to come once a year to tackle maintenance and cleaning.

If you are using a small unit, place it on something to elevate it. The closer it is to the ceiling, the easier it will disperse moisture throughout your space. Just do not put it so close to the ceiling that you notice moisture stains developing.

You have to use the right water in your humidifier. The general recommendation is either demineralized or distilled water. If you use tap water, the minerals in can get into the air and aggravate symptoms for some people with respiratory illnesses. It can also leave a white dust on surfaces throughout your home.

Replace the water every day or two so that it does not become stagnant. If you allow stagnant water in the unit, it could lead to bacteria and mold growth.

Think of your family when you are deciding where to place the unit. You want to ensure kids or pets cannot knock it over since some have a risk of burns. This could also lead to the unit breaking when it hits the floor.

Make sure that you are not adding too much humidity to your space. This could put your home at risk for mold and mildew. Overly high humidity levels could also cause damage to your furnishings and electronics. A professional can help you to choose the right levels. You might also want to monitor humidity levels on your own with a hygrometer.

Maintaining Your Home Humidifier

You should keep an eye on your humidifier for any signs that it is starting to fail. For example, it is not putting out enough humidity or there are visible cracks in it. To ensure that your unit remains safe for use, you need to replace any bad parts immediately before you use it again.

If there are pads or filters in the unit, you need to replace them regularly. Check out the manufacturer’s recommendations for how often this maintenance task is necessary.

Keep an eye out for leaks. Pay special attention to the water tank to make sure that no water is dripping. If you notice a leak, immediately turn off and unplug the unit. Have a professional inspect and repair it before you start to use it again.

If you are not going to use your humidifier for a while, you must store it properly or else there is a risk for mold growth. Keep it in a place that is dry and cool. Make sure that there is no moisture left in the unit before putting it up.

A home humidifier can improve the comfort and air quality inside your Grimes home. The key is to contact professionals like us to walk you through the process so that everything goes smoothly. Once we help you with this, our team of experts can assist you with numerous other elements in your home, such as your home’s plumbing and electrical systems. You can also give us a call when you need help with your home’s HVAC system.

Contact Golden Rule in Des Moines, IA today to discuss our home humidifier services.

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